Archive for All BLog Post – Page 4

5 Ways Good Credit is Your Safety Net

A healthy savings account is your best defense against life’s curve balls. But sometimes setting aside some money every paycheck isn’t enough—particularly when you’re just starting out in life.

A good credit score can be an additional safety net, providing you access to low-interest credit options that can help cover any expenses your emergency savings can’t. Learn More

Watch Out for These Scams as the Country Moves Toward Reopening

As the country moves forward and adapts to the new realities, scammers aren’t far behind.
Watch out for these trending scams as the country reopens: Learn More

COVID-19 is Causing a Coin Shortage

The COVID-19 Global pandemic caused an initial panic leaving store shelves empty of face masks and toilet paper. Hand sanitizer, cleaning supplies, paper towels and meat followed quickly in what was fast becoming routine for life during COVID-19. And now, the latest commodity to run in short supply is coins.  Learn More

All You Need to Know About Student Loan Changes During COVID-19

When assessing your options with your student loan payments, be sure to know if your loan is federally insured or privately owned. With unemployment levels rising and many employers cutting work hours, lots of college grads are now struggling to meet their student loan payments. Learn More

Why Does My Credit Score Matter?

Credit Scores play an important part in everyday life. Your Credit Score may have an effect on loan rates, insurance rates, and rental/lease agreements. Credit scores serve as an indicator of your financial history and responsibility.  Learn More

Beware of Unemployment Scams!

Tens of millions of Americans have found themselves out of work as the economy reels from the impact of COVID-19. A record 22 million Americans have filed for unemployment insurance in the four weeks leading up to April 11.

Unfortunately, when there’s bad news, the scammers aren’t far behind.  Learn More

Where is my Stimulus Check?

Q: Everyone I talk to seems to have already gotten their stimulus money, but I’m still waiting for mine to arrive. Where is my stimulus check?

A: More than half of eligible Americans have already received their Economic Impact Payment, but tens of millions more are still waiting. We’ll let you in on when you can expect yours, how to help it come quicker and why you may not even be receiving a stimulus payment. Learn More

Don’t Let Scammers Get Your Stimulus Check!

The best way to keep your money safe from scammers is to arm yourself with information about the checks and to learn how to spot the scams. Learn More

Beware COVID-19 Cure Scams

As the coronavirus pandemic continues to sweep across the planet, the race to find a cure has taken on desperate urgency. Pharmaceutical companies and researchers around the world are scrambling to find a way to stop the virus and to immunize people against becoming infected.

Unfortunately, scammers have recognized an opportunity to rob innocent victims of their money while giving them false hope for defeating the virus. The FBI is warning of a surge in COVID-19 cure scams… Learn More

Financial Dos and Don’ts During the Coronavirus Outbreak

Q: Since the coronavirus has landed on American shores, each day seems to bring more devastating news about the state of our economy. What steps should I be taking to protect my personal finances during this time? Learn More